Wednesday 3 June 2020


During the Covid19 emergency, the Italian Association in Finland has been very active in moving the organisation of events digitally. When invited to take part to the cycle of events "Cultura in Circolo", I was glad to partecipate with a presentation about art history. For this event I decided to present the interesting figure of Elin Danielson-Gambogi (1861-1919), a painter who established profound connections to Italy. In spite of being one of the brilliant golden generation of artists that contributed to outlining Finnish modern art and a Finnish cultural identity, she was eager to improve her artistic skills and endeavours in contact with an international milieu.

The presentation is in Italian.

In questo video la storica dell’arte Antonella Perna ci parla dell'artista finlandese Elin Danielson Gambogi (1861-1919) e dei suoi legami - sia personali che professionali - con l’italia. Inoltre ci racconta storie di emancipazione femminile, di viaggi avventurosi alla ricerca di maestri antichi e moderni, di amicizia e tradimenti, tutto all’insegna dell’amore per l’arte.

#ElinDanielsonGambogi #Circolodegliitalianiinfinlandia #artefinlandese

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