Tuesday, 12 December 2017


Today we continued with the "at the restaurant" theme. Students had to understand from a random list if a given dish was ANTIPASTO, PRIMO PIATTO, SECONDO PIATTO, CONTORNO O DOLCE.

The most interesting entries proved to be: agnolotti alle erbe (it is a ravioli type of pasta, not meat although it might be confused with agnello/lamb), pomodorini ciliegini (it refers to the shape of the small tomato resembling a cherry), caprino (which is cheese made of goat cheese and not the goat itself), terrina di baccalĂ  con salsa di mele (it is fish and not a dessert). 
Image result for baccala
Baccalá - image from the web

Image result for agnolotti
agnolotti - image from the web
Image result for pomodori ciliegini
pomodori ciliegie - image from the web

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